Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Yet again another youtube discovery that is blogworthy.
well not really, because the animation is kinda dodgey.... (even tho its better than what i could do haha) but really, i just like the song and its a very cute animation, kinda sad. Give it a watch :)
Hope you all had a great Easter!


  1. it doesnt fit in the screen !!!! POOOOOOOOOOOO
    go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Qs5Wgp4Qw&feature=related

    then u can see the whole thing

  2. Shae set the import width and height settings (in the code) to 400 pixels wide by 250 pixels high and it will fit.

    You can see the numbers inside quotation marks in the embed code that you paste from YouTube.

  3. I like the cut out design style. Imagine what an animator could do with the animation.

  4. Thanks for that handy hint Frank :)

    i like the cutout style too. but it would be better if it was more raw. instead, it looks very tweened in flash kinda..
