Thursday, July 29, 2010

Inappropriate in public...

Well, well well. Max certainly does need some lessons in public ettiquet...BUT he DOES NOT need a lesson in sticking it to the man. Go max go , Grab that crotch, You show the man who's boss. YEEEHYEEEE


  1. nice love the pose but probly bend the knee's a bit more so that he has a bit more ballance

  2. I think the pose is a good story telling pose because he grabs his crotch. Maybe a little more exaggeration.

  3. Nice line of action through the head and body. Cool pose.

  4. I like this pose because it made me laugh. That means that it has high entertainment value based on the animation principle of appeal. There are some pleasing shapes and suggestions of force in the pose. the line of action is 'S' shaped but it doesn't convey a wobbly energy.

    The pose could be improved by looking at the balance. Try pushing his weight over his left foot by shifting the core controller to the right of the picture. Currently the tilt and mass of his chest is unbalancing him to the left of frame. Another solution may be to readjust the left foot position to 'take' the weight.

    The right hand pose is excellent as is the obvious fun you had with posing Max;s facial expression. Use that sense of fun to fight for the good of Maxkind.

  5. Hi all
    Thank you for your very constructive advice and suggestions. Frank in particular. I agree with the balance after re inspecting my pose.

    Hahah for the good of Maxkind and ONLY for the good of Maxkind, will I continue to have fun . ahaha
