Thursday, March 4, 2010

MY FIRST TIME !!!! at the camping ground.. HA!

Bet I got your attention with that title hey ?!
Anyway, Josh and I were the newbies tagging along with some awesome 2nd years to the pube :) And as the evening wore on we were told some handy hints like ...
1. Always ask for a student discount on drinks
2. Draw peoples charactures and give it to them with your signature on it, it's a good way to get your name out there
3. If you find blue pacer leads "buy a shit load and don't tell anyone where you got them"
4. Don't ever throw out ...*hiccup*.. your old sketch books so you can look back on them and see ..*hiccup*.. your progress.
5. I llovrree youhh guaahyss..*hiccup*
(p.s they didnt actually get drunk..while we were there im just making shit up)


  1. Shae. One thing that really should be on your blog is your 2D animation assessment made with Josh. It was due to be posted up before going camping yesterday. The video tute on how to embed a video file is up on Blackboard, which you can access online from home: Blackboard
